Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Proverbs 9:10

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” -Proverbs 9:10 (NIV)

I slept really well last night and I know that's because I woke up out of a really intense dream.  I was trying to get a poster made, or maybe a picture limited, I'm not really sure, but I lived in Winslow and I went to Waterville to get some help.  the woman who ran the shop open for shop up late to help me out and then came back to Winslow with me to try to help me get my work done.

I felt a deep connection with the woman who was trying to help me. I don't believe I have ever met her, but I felt that I have known her for all my life.  I am left today with a sense of loss, a wish, a hope, a dream that maybe I will see her again.

war was coming. nobody talked about it. but we all knew that a war was coming. they had rebuilt be chicken coop on the Winslow and of the Waterville-Winslow bridge. there was a sense of urgency. It's could all breakdown at any moment.

then I woke up

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