Friday, June 15, 2012

So Frustrating

My father and I have radically varying views on spirituality.  It's frustrating.  I consider myself somewhat spiritual and I assume he does likewise.  Saying that I am spiritual is precise like saying I work with computers for a living.  Saying what I believe, on the other hand, is incredibly dangerous and rarely rewarding.

I think sometimes people share their beliefs hoping for a connection.  I don't know why my father talks to me about what he believes.  I don't share with him what I believe.  I guess I don't see the point.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Need to Know

I just want it all to make sense.  Is that too much to ask?  Why does it feel like part of my purpose here is to learn to live with the idea that it will never just click, the pieces will never fit, and the moments of perceived perfection though few and far between will never last.  I just want to understand.

I know I'm not the first person to ask Why?  I know this isn't very original, but it's gotta be common.  I believe in and even worship my creator--in whom I have the hope of an intelligent design, a hope which proves to be a continual challenge of faith.

Whatever, I have to get back to work.